Friday, February 24, 2012

Redd (Oakville)

My friend Corinne was in town this past weekend so we tried the brunch at Redd up in Yountville.  I really wanted to try the bacon-infused bloody mary that was recently written up in Sunset magazine!  I do consider myself somewhat of a bloody mary connoisseur.  Their bloody had a good amount of spice (but really spicy) and a nice collection of fixings such as a lemon, crispy bacon slice, celery, baby onion and an olive.  YUM.  Corinne had the juevos rancheros and I had the poached egg and chicken hash for breakfast.  We both walked out of there stuffed, happy and ready for a day of wine tasting. 

I have also been to Redd for dinner in the past.  You definitely need a reservation and the dining is rather formal but the food (and of course the wine list) is great.  It is mainly California cuisine.

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