Friday, February 3, 2012

The greyhound

Wow, this flu is really kicking my butt.  Time to get some vitamin V in my system.  I like to think that I am actually taking my vitamins by drinking one (or five) of these delicious cocktails since it is mostly grapefruit juice.  And it gives you something great to do with those two dozen grapefruits that aunt Jo sent you for Christmas before they start rotting on your counter.

One thing I insist on with this drink is the use of freshly-squeeze grapefruit juice, either white or pink grapefuits work (white are more sour).   If you are not into juicing grapefruits yourself (yes, it is messy as hell) then buying Odwalla or some other fresh grapefruit juice is definitely worth it.  The sugary sweetened crap just doesn’t cut it.

1.5 cups fresh grapefruit juice (about 2 ½ - 3 grapefruits)
1-2 oz vodka (give or take)

Mix. Drink. Repeat.

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