Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hot Whiskey

I am on day numero cinco of the flu.  I can’t stomach another packet of warm, fake-cherry flavored Theraflu so I am moving on to the good old Irish remedy…whiskey.   After an absolutely freezing, wet and dark winter visit to Ireland with my husband I realized why they drink so much whiskey in their country- if you drink enough of this warm, comforting liquor you can completely forget about the crappy wet weather outside (and just about everything else).

1 cup hot water
½ cup Irish whiskey (give or take)
2-3 whole cloves
1 tsp sugar or honey
1 slice lemon

Put the sugar or honey and whiskey in a mug together.  Place the cloves into the rind of the lemon and place it in the mug.  Pour the hot water over the whiskey mixture and stir. 

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